Friday, 28 May 2010

La Collectionneuse

La Collectionneuse (1967) ★★★★

"La collectionneuse offers a fascinating portrait of an era and a sensibility; Rohmer is as interested in what the dandies of ’68 are saying as he is interested in how these young people talk, behave and interact with each other. The tangled links between intellect and emotions fascinate Rohmer, as much as the counter-cultural atmosphere of holiday dandyism." - senses of cinema

Listen here you're old villain. J'ai toujours regretté de n'être né pas riche. Mais si j'étais riche, ce que vous appelez mon dandysme serait de la facilité. Ça manquerait totalement d'héroisme. Or je ne conçois pas un dandy sans héroisme.

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