Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Cute As Buttons

Today I decided to reward myself for almost making it to the lecture and bought myself an early xmas present. I really love buying presents when they're for me, I always know what to get. Here's pics of the purchases. Can't wait to get back to Finland where a package containing these should be waiting for me. Just look at the eyes of that wee kitten!

And the posture of that rhinoceros-riding panda!


Blood Roses said...

i love the cat one! trashy kids tshirts are the best. next on ym list is a dinosaur t shirt...

paula h. said...

martti oletko sä tosissas? miten parasta joka tapauksessa! voisin olla valmis nimeämään miltei kenet vaan tuollaisessa eläinpaidassa kulkevan unelmien mieheksi.