Monday, 17 November 2008

Preserved Moose, the Patron Saint of Quality Footwear

Some films I've watched this autumn.

Gin-iro no kami no Agito (Origin: Spirits of the Past) ★★★
An entertaining anime adventure taking place 300 years in the future in a post-apocalyptic world where, erm, machines and the forest battle..

Burn After Reading ★★★
"That is funny." (An elderly lady sitting behind us in the cinema.)

Control ★★★★
Touching portrait of Ian Curtis, the singer of Joy Division. I'm not a big fan of the band so no extra stars given for the music. Almost as good as Ganes...

Ikiru ★★
Hey Akira! When will this end? I really have to pee! Oh, now they're eating Sushi.. I wish I had bought that Kinder Bueno.

It's a Free World ★★★
Saw this one at a small indie cinema in Stockholm. Great atmosphere. I think the curtains covering the screen had some kind of cool childish animal print. I like giraffes.. but I'm afraid of Africa so I will probably never see those wonderful creatures roam free in the savannah. Anyways, the film was a bit too preachy but I immediately liked it as the opening scene took place in Katowice where I had the worst diarrhoea ever. Good memories. (I was yet to discover the wonders of Immodium.)

Barfly ★★
Rather boring a Bukowski adaptation. Some good moments though;

Wanda: I can't stand people. I hate them.
Henry: Yeah.
Wanda: You hate them?
Henry: No, but I seem to feel better when they're not around.

Planet Terror ★★★
Best in Texas.

Shortbus ★★
Young, pretty and mostly gay New Yorkers seeking sex and sexuality. Never thought I'd see a guy singing the US national anthem using another man's cock as a mic.

Spinal Tap ★★★
No idea why I hadn't seen it before. Best laughs in a while.

Sweeney Todd ★
I can't sing, but neither can Johnny.

Short Cuts ★★★★
Concentration demanding, but lovely, collection of short stories.

-"How Many Clowns Can You Fit in That Car?"

Le Amiche ★★★
"Le Amiche will go down in my books as a story starring women, about women and for women that is still highly relevant in today's society. It has withstood the test of time perfectly, and its exploration of women, their relationships, their attitudes that differ depending on either their single or married status, is an amalgamation of keen observations that make this an enjoyable a must-watch, peppered with good punctuations of humour throughout."
-nutshell review

L'histoire de Richard O. ★★★
Sexy as fuck. Suomi-kevennys, huraa!

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